
Pieces of Ty

So far there isn't much that Ty needs or that makes him different from other 2 month olds, but there are a few things that make up the pieces of Ty and that make him the special, precious baby boy we adore. And they are...
His paccie--never leave home without it
His bottle--no steak and potatoes just yet, but he's working on it
one night stand
His mobile--he's just starting to notice things and he loves staring at those bears hanging upside down over his head
His adorable little hands--he's just learning they're attached and that he can grab at things, although at this point, they do have a mind of their own...he also needs a good nail trim
His angelic little face and that scrumptious little chin--couldn't you just kiss that face all day long?
Sleep--of course, as his mom, this is my favorite time of day--quiet time
I'm enjoying watching him grow but it's suddenly hit me that he's our last baby and all these things take on a whole new meaning. How absolutly precious this time is!!!!

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