
Tyler's Baptism

On Sunday, August 17, 2008 Tyler Anthony was baptized at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church. Deacon Charles La Rosa performed the baptism and it was his very first baptism which made it that much more special! He did a great job! Steve and Amy Rule are Tyler's godparents.
Here are some pictures from the day He's all set for his baptism.

Look! It looks like he's talking to Deacon Charles. He was like this the whole time. It was like he knew what was going on. Sweetness!

Pouring the holy water. He didn't cry, just whimpered a little.

Look at that face!

Deacon Charles, the Parents and Godparents with the boys

Deacon Charles and Tyler

The whole family

This is as good as it gets

Because then this happens

And then it's just over...

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