Anyway, we got home and it was so nice outside that I let the boys play for a little bit. Drew wanted to ride Zach's razor can see where this is going, right? Well, he got frustrated because he couldn't really hold onto it very well. Here's the frustrated Drew pictures...
So something happened right after I took these pictures and somehow he fell over...onto his face! I saw him hit the ground and his hands were the last thing to hit. His face took a beating. Here's the aftermath... Not sure if you can tell but the cut is pretty close to his eye and there's a good chunk that was missing. I was praying we wouldn't need stitches because could you imagine that? A 1 1/2 yr. old getting stitches on his face?!?! Ugh! Anyone who has gone through that, I feel for you. Carl was awesome with him. He took him, cleaned the cut with a little peroxide and he was as good as new...well, except for the big huge red mark running down his face. It seems to be alright now and he's sleeping peacefully. Kids are so resilient...thank goodness!
1 comment:
Awww.....poor little guy! Well, at least if it leaves a scar, it'll just add to his manliness like Harrison Ford! LOL Cole was a little older than that when he split his chin open on a stool....he just thumped his chin down and that was all it took. Hope he heals up well!
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