So, we have exciting news from the Jeffcoat front. If you received our Christmas card this past year, you'll see Drew and his passie. It was hard enough to get all 3 to look in the same direction, but when I tried to get that thing out of Drew's mouth, it was a definite "no go", so I left it in and decided to document what my boys REALLY look like--passie and all. Here it is:
So we decided a couple weeks ago to just not give the
passie to him at bed time and you know what? He didn't seem to care. I prepared myself for nap time the next day, but he never even mentioned it. I didn't want to jinx it, but by day 3, Carl and I were pretty darned proud of ourselves--and Drew! Well, then last week, I called the boys in from playing outside and what do I see but Drew walking in with a
passie stuck in his mouth (Carl and I
thought we had found them all). I gasped and he looked startled and yanked it out of his mouth and put it behind his back--precious, yes. But I knew we had to take it one step further. So I talked to him about being a big two year old now and big boys don't have
passie's. Only babies have
passies. I told him we needed to throw away his
passie. He said "
Here's a couple pictures.

I can't tell this story without talking about Zach, though. I have to say, that he was awesome during this whole thing. After Drew threw away his passie and turned around, Zach was RIGHT THERE clapping and yelling "Drew Drew's a big boy now!!!" Then Drew says "I a big boy now!" with all the enthusiasm that Zach had. It was the sweetest thing ever! I do love my boys!
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