
Ty Ty @ the end of 9 months!

I just had to share this picture. I had just gotten my brand spanking new Canon 50D dslr with my new 50 prime lens. I was so excited about this and wanted to try it out right away. Here's one of the images I caught. I have since ordered this in an 8x10 for our family room. He's so stinking cute! And guess what he started doing RIGHT AFTER THIS? Pulling up to a standing position and then holding on with one hand and cruising around on the furniture. Walking is just around the corner, I think!

Bye Bye Passie

So, we have exciting news from the Jeffcoat front. If you received our Christmas card this past year, you'll see Drew and his passie. It was hard enough to get all 3 to look in the same direction, but when I tried to get that thing out of Drew's mouth, it was a definite "no go", so I left it in and decided to document what my boys REALLY look like--passie and all. Here it is:

So we decided a couple weeks ago to just not give the passie to him at bed time and you know what? He didn't seem to care. I prepared myself for nap time the next day, but he never even mentioned it. I didn't want to jinx it, but by day 3, Carl and I were pretty darned proud of ourselves--and Drew! Well, then last week, I called the boys in from playing outside and what do I see but Drew walking in with a passie stuck in his mouth (Carl and I thought we had found them all). I gasped and he looked startled and yanked it out of his mouth and put it behind his back--precious, yes. But I knew we had to take it one step further. So I talked to him about being a big two year old now and big boys don't have passie's. Only babies have passies. I told him we needed to throw away his passie. He said "ok"! Here's a couple pictures.

I can't tell this story without talking about Zach, though. I have to say, that he was awesome during this whole thing. After Drew threw away his passie and turned around, Zach was RIGHT THERE clapping and yelling "Drew Drew's a big boy now!!!" Then Drew says "I a big boy now!" with all the enthusiasm that Zach had. It was the sweetest thing ever! I do love my boys!


Easter Egg Hunt!

Zach and Drew had so much fun at our church's Easter Egg Hunt. They were even lucky little hunters! Zach found the $20.00 egg, the $5.00 egg and one of the $1.00 eggs. Drew found the $10.00 egg. Now they can't wait for the ice cream man to come down our street. {Mommy and Daddy are thinking, that's a WHOLE LOT of ice cream!!!}
Ty was watching intently--learning the ropes of the Egg Hunt. He can't wait for next year when he can do it, too!

Easter Morning!

Four--Two--Nine Months

So here they are. Ty's 9 month pic, Drew's 2 year pic and Zach's 4 year pic. Zach rocks that spiky hair, if I do say so myself. :) And Drew, well, is there much more to say than that face? And Ty is very proud of those chompers--he'll be eating steak in NO time!!! I'm so proud of my boys!!!